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When Ivory Comes To Town – Are We Old? We Lost Mabel

When Ivory Comes To Town - Are We Old. We Lost Mabel,  EP Cover Art
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EP release by When Ivory Comes To Town entitled Are We Old. We Lost Mabel.

"Established in an insignificant Australian city where the only options are sport, meth addiction or music, When Ivory Comes To Town chose music. Operating completely independently, Mark Chatterton and Matt Flynn collaborate to blend their differing musical backgrounds in an attempt to find their own sound. Australian indie outfit When Ivory Comes To Town have dropped their debut release Are We Old? / We Lost Mabel. The split single features atmospheric blends of acoustic and electronic with lush builds and soaring moments. The first in a series of 3 split singles to be released in 2015 Are We Old? / We Lost Mabel is available for stream via Soundcloud and for purchase via Bandcamp."

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