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D’Armani – Going To Be

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Check out D'Armani's fresh new hip hop video Going To Be . This is what D'Armani had to say when asked:

Was there a particular message you were trying to convey in this video? Why?

"Yes, I want the viewer to understand how dedicated/devoted I am to making my music. I didn't aim to have the BEST QUALITY video with models, bottles, cars, money, etc. The significance of this video is it's simplicity alone. I'm simply rhyming to myself, and I'm writing rhymes in my journal because that's what's important to me at the end of the day (what I compose). So I just want the viewer to understand how passionate I am about my music, and I also add the lyrics that I feel are significant in this song to the video for the reader to understand. This video just goes to show that I don't need a cliche music video to gain a lot of views. "

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