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DVo – Set You Free

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Check out DVo's fresh new hip hop visual Set You Free. This is what DVo had to say when we asked:

How do you want people to feel at the end of watching this? Why?

"At the end of watching the video, I want people to genuinely "feel" something or some sort of emotion. Whether it be the feeling of being trapped or confined, or even just a feeling of freedom or awareness, I just want the audience to connect with it. There is too much Hip-Hop/Rap music out nowadays that only promote one "feeling," which is generally the happy, celebratory gloat-type of vibe. So I would love to have my music and video invoke some other type of emotion, something deeper and different. The song itself is mainly about the notion of "Freedom" and the illusion of it. How we can feel free in a world, but not necessarily be free. How we can be doing things to "exercise our freedom," yet still ultimately be restricted by rule. I want the audience to feel depth."

More Details Directed by T.K. Other Realm
Song Produced by Yoto aka Aagee

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