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Molly Shannon – Jonestown Mascara

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Take a look at Molly Shannon's brand new accoustic visual piece Jonestown Mascara. This is what she had to say when we asked:

Where did you get your inspiration for this video?

"I didn't edit this video. My friend Brad edited this video, but the original concept was mine. The original concept came to me after an alcohol fueled night of YouTubing, at the of of which I had inadvertently come across a video of a woman who was terrified of clowns, and going through some sort of therapy for it. As I was listening to Molly Shannon, Molly Shannon's "Jonestown Mascara" on repeat- the song would randomly match up to places in the video in which the woman had severe and pathetic reactions to seeing a clown, or a picture or drawing of a clown. It made me feel good to know that someone was as scared of things that seem normal to other people as I am sometimes. And, I watched the video paired up with the song for at least an hour. I later showed the video, and played the song along side it for Brad, and although he may not have felt the same about clowns, he said he knew what to do. He made this video for me, and I like it a lot."

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