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Sade Awele – DREAMS (feat. D-No & Bamzy) Dir. Sabine Kahwaji

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Have a look at Sade Awele's most recent afrobeats music video DREAMS (feat. D-No & Bamzy) Dir. Sabine Kahwaji. Here's how Sade Awele responded when we asked:

How much preparation went into making this video and why?

"Sadé Awele (Artist): Lots of preparation. I wanted the video to have the feeling of being on a journey. And the motion analogies that came to mind were riding on a bike or being close to the water (thanks to the awesome videographer who helped me see this aspect). I wanted dancers who could illustrate the emotion of the words and the feeling of doing your best to see your dreams come to reality, the feeling of the highs and the lows, and the feeling of just enjoying the journey with the people it brings your way. It required time management, I had to meet with the videographer to plan the video and we chatted a lot leading to the shoot. Shoutout to friends who when asked decided to be a part of the shoot and make t even more memorable. Makeup, outfits, style, was thought in advance too. I wanted a feeling of summer and colours, vintage in a sense. Time management was an important factor because the aim was to shoot the entire video in one day. So from bike rentals to scene changes to outfit and makeup changes, we executed the entire video in a day thanks to the preparation made in advance!

Sabine Kahwaji (Director & Visuals of Dreams): Dreams took a lot of preparation but was definitely worth it. There was a lot of work put into how the video would be shot. I had listened to the track multiple times with Sade's vision in mind, from that I was able to create a storyboard of visuals of which I thought were a good fit for what the final version was going to be. I then went line by line of the lyrics to really understand the theme that the video was going to encompass. We really took our time to perfect it in order to execute what she (Sadé) being the Artist/Creative Director had in mind. It's important that the artists being the songwriters are satisfied with the outcome of the video, just as it is important for the director to bring it to life. Overall we were able to really create something special!"

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