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Simon Pereira – Superficial

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Check out Simon Pereira's latest Rnb music video Superficial. This is what Simon Pereira had to say when we asked:

Where did you get your inspiration for this video?

"My song 'Superficial' was inspired by the growing trend that seems to be seeping into every crevice of current RnB/Hip Hop music, which is to glorify the lifestyle of Women in the stripping profession and the men that fuel that profession. I have nothing against strippers or those that frequent strip clubs but the Women that service that industry have almost completely lost their humanity due to the sexualization and dehumanisation of the women in question by a lot of current Music. They are displayed as nothing more than pill popping, twerking pieces of meat.

'Superficial' goes against the current trend of glorifying the strip club lifestyle and shows you the dark side, reminding us at all that their is a human being behind the apparent sex appeal and mystery behind a stripper. We all do what we have to to provide for those we care about. I hope to open peoples eyes a little with this song and humanise the Women within the profession. "

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