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Triple A Orchestra – Waste Earn Blues

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Check out Triple A Orchestra's fresh new rock music video Waste Earn Blues. This is what Triple A Orchestra had to say when asked:

Was there a particular message you were trying to convey in this video? Why?

"For us, music is both a kind of a release valve and a way to communicate visions and ideas. We choosed to do it with humor and irony but most of our songs are pretty heavy with criticising lyrics about the absurd world we're living in: endless growth, consumption, capitalism etc. That's precisely the topic of "Waste Earn Blues" music video: what is the purpose of producing and buying things again and again ? Can we grow boundlessly in a finite world?"

More Details
Triple A Orchestra is a french combo whose main values are Blues, money and gangbangs at the International Monetary Fund. Following straight downsizing measures demanded by its prestigious shareholders, for obvious competitivity reasons, the band is reduced to a duo.
Triple A Orchestra distils some evil blues and heavy garage rock since 2013 and is about to release its first LP, "Waste Earn Blues" in the next few weeks.

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