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Victim Of Illusion – Jamie’s World

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Check out Victim Of Illusion's latest rock music video Jamie's World. This is what they had to say when we asked:

Was there a particular message you were trying to convey in this video? Why?

"Your world is all that you have. Do the impossible to preserve it from trends, standards, scripts or stereotypes. Do the impossible to be yourself and live your personal imprint on the planet."

More Details Jamie's World - first single from "Oxideyes" album (

Special thanks to GIORGIA. Through her talent will take you on a special journey into the Jamie's World.

A Masterblack Production - 2014

Directed by Andry Verga Screenplay by Andry Verga & Victim of Illusion Video editor Andry Verga

1st Camera Assistant: Stefano Giovannini 2nd Camera Assistant and Focus puller: Mirko Avella Prod Assistant: Fabio Cuccé Digital Effects: Mirko Barbesino Band Photo: Marco Lampis Photo Backstage: Stefano Labruna

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