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Steeve Supreme – Masked Guru

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Take a quick peak at Steeve Supreme's most recent hip hop music video Masked Guru. Here's how Steeve Supreme responded when AVR asked:

Was there a particular message you were trying to convey in this video? Why?

"the masked guru track is basically bringing another side of me , more lyrical style but with a grimy vibe to it . im speaking on how me and my team are all different and gurus in our own way and at our art and music . I'm trying to tell the world that they should master the craft they are building and have a guru's mind state while doing so .


More Details I'm from Miami,FL now living in Montreal , canada . I am part of a hiphop collective named NOWAYOUT and the plan is to show the world how much great artist Montreal Canada has. Most of us are artist that moved from the United states to Montreal.

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